How Does YoorKids Work For Gift Givers?

We all have a child who holds a special place in our hearts. It could be a grandchild, a niece or nephew, the child of a close friend, or even a student. Have you ever faced the challenge of finding the perfect gift for that beloved child? What are their hobbies and interests? Will they appreciate it? Do they already own it? What is the age of kids these days? It can be daunting, as we aspire to give them something meaningful and influential. Have you considered contributing money to the child’s financial accounts? Now, that would be impactful.

The Problem with Gifting Money!

As adults, we understand the importance of money and the impact it could have had on our lives if we had received a substantial amount when we entered adulthood. It could have been used for education, whether that be college or trade school. Alternatively, it could have been put towards a down payment on a vehicle or home. Some of us may have used it to pursue our entrepreneurial aspirations.

Possessing a sizable financial account as a young adult would have been an invaluable asset for our future. Wouldn’t it be great if we, too, could give this gift to the special child in our lives? Regrettably, we frequently opt for the $50 plastic toy instead of depositing funds into the child’s financial account for many reasons.

The Burden on the Parent

In its simplest and least effective way of giving money to a child’s financial account, a gift giver hands an envelope with money to the parent and asks them to invest it for the child. Of course, this asks the already busy parent to take that cash and get it invested. While our intentions are good, we have created more work for the parent, and who wants to do that?

Painful Process to Invest

Let’s say we take on the task of depositing the money directly into the child’s account. First, we have to get a hold of the parent and ask for information like which institution holds the account, what type of account it is, account number, routing number, if they have a portal, a unique link, etc. 

Once we have all the info, we have to sit down and make the bank transfer. If there is more than one account you would like to contribute to, for example, for another child or account type, you have to get all the necessary info for that account and figure out that process too.

Doesn’t Feel Like a Gift

If we successfully make a cash transfer, what do we have to show for it? Just a line item on a bank statement. It doesn’t feel like a meaningful gift for the giver, and certainly not for the child! Despite our intentions, the transaction feels impersonal, and the child is left with nothing to celebrate in the present. Sound familiar? These issues prevent many of us from contributing to a child’s financial future.

YoorKids: A Solution for Gift Givers

Meet YoorKids, the platform that allows gift-givers to give memorable and impactful gifts through an easy-to-use app. Finally, there is a way to contribute money directly into a child’s financial account, and it feels like a gift to both the giver and the child!

Getting Started

How does it work? Once a parent has set up their child’s profile in the app, they can invite members of the child’s community to join. By connecting with the parent, givers can see their children and contribute directly to the child’s accounts.

If you wish to contribute to a child’s account, but they do not have a YoorKids account, don’t worry. You can gift to anyone. Once you initiate a gift, the parent will receive a notification. They can then download the app and create a profile for their child. This will allow the child to receive your contribution in their account.

Making Lasting Memories With Monetary Gifts

When you send the gift, you are able to “package” the contribution with a personalized digital coin that includes exciting graphics, photos, videos and even handwritten messages. Just as you would attach a card to a wrapped gift, YoorKids allows you to do the same and then stores the digital coin in the child’s profile to be enjoyed for years to come. So, the child receives the digital coin to add to their YoorKids now and the money for later.

Advantages of YoorKids

It Takes a Village

YoorKids revolutionizes the concept of child gifting, extending beyond parental contributions to a child’s financial accounts. As a community, we actively participate in shaping a child’s future. When these individuals reach adulthood and confront significant life choices, we can take pride in knowing that our gifts throughout the years have truly impacted their lives.

Click here to read more about YoorKids’s collaborative approach to investing.

Gift Giving Is Easier with YoorKids

Stop searching for the perfect gift. YoorKids simplifies and enhances the gift-giving experience for everyone. By contributing to a child’s financial account, you not only bring joy to the parents but also pave the way for the child’s future success. They will appreciate it when they eventually withdraw those funds to pursue their dreams.

No More Hassle

The giver can now contribute without asking a parent for important banking information. Once the app is downloaded, a money transfer and digital coin can be quickly created and sent within minutes. It is a simple process!

Guaranteed Money in Their Account

Transferring money within the app guarantees that your money is deposited directly into the child’s financial account. Although parents may have good intentions to deposit cash gifts, it’s not always guaranteed that they will make it into the account. YoorKids makes this deposit easy, giving you peace of mind that your money will reach its intended destination when you send it.

Reasonable Costs

During the receiving process, neither the parent nor the child is required to make any payment. Instead, the giver is responsible for paying a modest and fair fee to transmit the contribution to the child. Rest assured that the child will receive the entire gift amount in their account, allowing you to feel gratified about your generous gift.

Give the Gift of Financial Empowerment

There are so many reasons you should be giving YoorKids gifts. It’s easy, memorable, doesn’t cost much, and allows you to be a part of the child’s future. Give gifts with meaning and purpose that change a child’s life: give with YoorKids.